The Sun and the Wind

Wind:  - Whooooo! I’m Mr. Wind. Whooooo! How strong I am! I’m stronger   
               than the sun!
Sun:   -  Oh, no, Mr. Wind. Look at me. I’m a big hot sun.  I’m stronger than
              you, Mr. Wind.
Wind:  - Let us see. Look at that man. He is in a black coat.
Sun:    - Where? Oh, I see him.
Wind:  - Let us see who can take off his coat.
Sun:     -  All right.
Wind: - I’ll begin. (He begins to blow.) Whooooo! I want that coat.
Man:   - Oh, how cold it is!
Wind: - Whooooo! I want that coat.
Man:   - Oh, what a strong wind!
Wind:  - Whooooo! I want that coat.
Man:    - I’m so cold! I’m glad that I have a warm coat.
Wind: - Whooooo! I can’t take off his coat.
Sun:    - Well, Mr. Wind, you aren’t so strong. I’ll try to take off his coat. (The sun
              shines on the man)
Man:   - Now I’m not so cold. What a funny day! First it was cold but now it is hot.
             (The sun shines and shines)
Man:   - Now I’m too hot. I’ll take off my coat. (The man takes off his coat)
Sun:    - Wow! I’m stronger than you, Mr. Wind!
Wind:  Well, Mr. Sun. The man took off his coat for you. I see that you are strong.   
            But I’m strong too. - Whooooo!

The Lion’s Den.
Lion:      I’m a king. I’m King Lion.
Dog:       Bow-wow. I’m a brave dog. I’m a lion’s friend
Monkey: Hoo-Hoo. I’m a funny monkey. I’m a lion’s friend too.
Fox:        I’m a sly fox. You are our strong King Lion, the King of all animals. I’m glad to be your friend.
Lion:      You are all my good friends. But do you always tell me the truth?
Dog:       Certainly.
Mouse:   Of course.
Fox:        I’m proud of you, my dear King Lion.
Lion:      Well, I want you tell me how my den smells. 
Dog:       Oh, Lion, I’m your good friend and I’m not afraid to tell you the truth.
               Your den smells badly.
Lion:   (angrily) GRRRRRR! You are not a very good friend. How can you say that my den smells badly? Get out – and don’t come back, or I’ll eat you up!
Mouse:    What a fool! You are a silly dog! Oh, Lion, I’m your good friend and I’ll tell you the truth. Your den smells like flowers…Hmmm, flowers…
Lion:  (angrily) GRRRRRR! You are a bad monkey! You are a fool too! Get out – and don’t come back, or I’ll eat you up!
Lion:   (looking at the fox) And you, a red fox? How do you think my den smells?
Fox:     Oh, my dear King Lion, the King of all animals, I can’t tell you.
Lion:    Why? Why?!

Fox:     I can’t tell you because I have a bad cold. (sneezing and coughing) Sorry, but I can’t smell anything.
Lion:    You are very clever, my friend. You have saved my feelings and your own  skin.
Fox:    Thank you, my dear King. You are clever, very clever but I’m very sly.

Which piece is mine?
Cat:                   I’m a little cat, Pussy.
Rabbit:              I’m a little rabbit, Bunny.
Cat and Rabbit: We are good friends.
Cat:                  Bunny, let’s go for a walk.
Rabbit:             With pleasure. Let’s go to the wood.
Cat:                  OK.
Rabbit:             Oh, what is this?
Cat:                  We have found a big piece of cheese.
Rabbit:              I like cheese.
Cat:                   I like cheese too.
Rabbit:              Let’s cut this cheese into two pieces. Then we’ll each have a piece.
Cat:                   You are right.
Rabbit:              I’ll make the pieces the same size.
Cat:                   Look! One piece is a little bigger than the other.
Rabbit:              I’ll take the bigger piece.
Cat:                   Don’t take it. I want the bigger piece.
Rabbit:              Dear Mr. Fox, help us, please.
Cat:                   We have two pieces of cheese. I want the bigger piece. The rabbit wants the bigger piece too. Which piece of mine?
Fox:                 I’ll help you. I’ll bite the bigger piece so they will be the same size.
Cat:                   Now the other piece is bigger!
Fox:                 That’s all right. I’ll bite it too.
Rabbit:              Now the first piece is bigger again.
Fox:                 I’ll bite it again. Then they will be the same size.
Cat:                   I don’t see the first piece.
Fox:                 Now I’ll eat the other piece too. Then they will be the some size.
Rabbit:             Now we have no cheese at all.
Cat:                  It’s a lesson for us to be clever in future.

The Hunter and the Bird

Hunter:      I’m a hunter. I’m very hungry. I want some birds to eat! I’ll look in my traps.  Aha!    Here is a little bird to eat!
Red Bird:   Oh, Hunter. See how small I am! I’m not big for a good supper. My  brother is in that trap. He is bigger than I am.
Hunter:     All right. Fly away. I’ll go to the second trap. Oh, you are a little bigger.
                  I’ll eat you.
Green Bird: Oh, Hunter. Look at me. I’m not fat. My brother is in that big trap. He
                   is big and fat. You can eat him for your supper.
Hunter:     All right. Fly away. I’ll go to the third trap. Oh, you are right! This bird
                  is big and fat!
Yellow Bird: Oh, Hunter, I’m big and fat. Do you know why?
Hunter:     I don’t know. Why?
Yellow Bird:  I’m so clever. I’m so wise. I always know how to get a good supper.
                       If you let me go, I’ll tell you how to be clever.

Hunter:       Very well, what must I do to be clever?
Yellow Bird: Do as I say: Open your hands.
                                          Shut your eyes.
                                          Then I tell you,
                                          How to be wise!
Hunter:        Oh, Bird! You are free. Now tell me how to be clever. I want to be
Yellow Bird:  Of course, I’ll tell you. Listen to me. Be attentive.
                      A wise proverb says: “A bird in the hand is worth two in the tree.”
  Red Bird:    Do you know this proverb?
Green Bird:  Do you understand it?
  Yellow Bird:    Good bye, silly hunter. We are flying away.     
Hunter: Oh, I’m a poor hungry hunter. Oh, I’m a silly hungry hunter.

The Mice and the Cat
Little Mouse: I’m hungry. Let’s go to the kitchen.
White Mouse: Oh, no. I’m afraid of a big red cat.
Little Mouse: He is sleeping now. Let’s go!
Black Mouse: No, I’m afraid of a big red cat, too.
Little Mouse: I’m hungry. I don’t know what to do.
Grey Mouse: Oh, little mouse, what can we do? We are afraid of the cat.
White Mouse: This cat is very big and bad. He can eat us.
Little Mouse: I’m hungry. I hate this cat. What shall we do?
Black and white mouse: I know. I know! Let’s go to the old clever mouse. She lives in the field not far from our house. She can help us.
Little Mouse: OK. Let’s go.
Black Mouse: Good morning, dear old mouse.
Old Mouse: Good morning, my dear mice. How are you?
Little Mouse: Very bad. We don’t know what to do.
Grey Mouse: A big red cat lives in our house.
Black and white mouse: He eats many mice every day.
White Mouse: We are afraid of him. The big red cat will kill us all.
Black Mouse: What can we do? Help us, old clever mouse.
Mice: Help us! Help!
Old Mouse: Oh, my dear mice. Let me think a little.
City mice: We know what to do. We are cool city mice.
The first mouse: The cat kills you because you don’t hear him.
The second mouse: Let’s put a bell round his neck.
 The third mouse: Then you’ll hear him before he comes into the room.
White Mouse: That’s a very good idea.
Black Mouse: Now the big bad red cat won’t kill us.
Grey Mouse: We are very glad and happy.
Little Mouse: Let’s dance and sing.
Old Mouse: Oh, my dear little mice. I want to ask one question.
                   Who will put the bell round the cat’s neck?

The Caps for Sale
Man:        Caps! Caps for sale! Ten dollars a cap!
          I have a lot of caps for sale. They are very beautiful! Look at them. They
         are red, green, white, brown and blue. Caps! Caps for sale! Ten dollars a cap!
         Nobody wants to buy them. Why? They are so nice. What shall I do?
         I’ll go for a walk. I’m tired. Oh, I can see a big tree. It’s a nice place for a rest
(He slept for a long time)
Man: Where are my caps? Where are my beautiful caps? Where are my caps for  
         sale? Oh, monkeys!!! You are bad monkeys! You must give me back my
Monkey 1: It’s my red cap. I like it very much.
Man:          No! It’s mine.
Monkey 2: It’s my green cap. I like it very much.
Man:         No! It’s mine.
Monkey 3: It’s my white cap. I like it very much.
Man:         No! It’s mine.
Monkey 4: It’s my brown cap. I like it very much.
Man:       No! It’s mine.
Monkey 5: It’s my blue cap. I like it very much.
Man:          No! It’s mine. What can I do? I’m so angry!!!
Monkey 1: I’m so funny. It’s my red cap.
Monkey 2: I’m so happy. It’s my green cap.
Monkey 3: I’m so glad. It’s my white cap.
Monkey 4: I’m so pretty. It’s my brown cap.
Monkey 5: I’m so beautiful. It’s my blue cap.
Man: These caps are mine. Give me back my caps! I’m so angry!!! I’m very angry!
Monkeys: Tsz, tsz, tsz, tsz, tsz, tsz
Man: Little monkey in the tree
         This is what he says to me:
                 “Thi. Thi, thi, the, the, the,
                  The, the, the, thi, thi, thi.”
                                   “Thi. Thi, thi, the, the, the,
                                     The, the, the, thi, thi, thi.”

Man: Caps! Caps for sale! Ten dollars a cap! Caps! Caps for sale! 

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